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ZEPOSIA Is a Highly Selective S1P Receptor Modulator
Proposed to Have Activity in Both the Periphery and CNS1,2

Ozanimod is an S1P receptor modulator that binds with a high affinity to S1P receptors 1 and 5 and has little activity on other S1P receptors (S1P2, S1P3, and S1P4)1

Graphic depicting the S1P receptor Graphic depicting the S1P receptor
  • Regulates migration
    of lymphocytes and
    other immune cells3
  • May promote lesion
    formation and disease progression through astrocytes4
  • Can induce transient
    reduced heart rate5
  • Smooth muscle tissue contraction5
  • Lung fibrosis5
  • Can induce
    bradycardia, cardiac
    arrhythmias, and complete
    heart block6
  • Cytokine
  • May play a role in
    the life cycle of
    in the CNS7

Select S1P receptor functions

Select S1P receptor functions

Graphic depicting ZEPOSA's activity in the periphery and presence in the CNS Graphic depicting ZEPOSA's activity in the periphery and presence in the CNS
Graphic depicting that ZEPOSIA® blocks the capacity of lymphocytes to egress from lymph nodes, reducing the number of lymphocytes in peripheral blood

ZEPOSIA blocks the capacity of lymphocytes to egress from lymph nodes, reducing the number of lymphocytes in peripheral blood.1

Graphic depicting that ZEPOSIA® blocks the capacity of lymphocytes to egress from lymph nodes, reducing the number of lymphocytes in peripheral blood

ZEPOSIA blocks the capacity of lymphocytes to egress from lymph nodes, reducing the number of lymphocytes in peripheral blood.1

The mechanism by which ZEPOSIA exerts therapeutic effects in MS is unknown but may involve the reduction of lymphocyte migration into the central nervous system.1

BBB=blood-brain barrier; CNS=central nervous system; MS=multiple sclerosis; S1P=sphingosine 1-phosphate.
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