ZEPOSIA: The Only Highly Selective S1P Receptor Modulator Specific to Receptors 1 and 5 in UC1,2

ZEPOSIA binds with a high affinity to S1P receptors 1 and 5 and has minimal or no activity on other S1P receptors (S1P2, S1P3, and S1P4)1

How Zeposia Selectively Binds S1P Receptors ZHow Zeposia Selectively Binds S1P Receptors

ZEPOSIA is an oral lymphocyte migration blocker that inhibits the capacity of inflammation-causing lymphocytes from reaching the inflamed colon1,5-10

ZEPOSIA UC Mechanism of Action
ZEPOSIA UC Mechanism of Action

Small molecules, like ZEPOSIA, may lack immunogenicity
and may not develop antidrug antibodies1,12,13

The mechanism by which ZEPOSIA exerts therapeutic effect is unknown, but may involve reduction of lymphocyte mitigation into the intestine.1

S1P=sphingosine 1-phosphate; UC=ulcerative colitis.

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